Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Letter to my country - on the recent delhi gang rape incident .

Readers,rapists and fellow indians

Is this really the perfect time to be proud that  we are indians ?  ( Especially the indian men.. ya i do know it includes me !! ) .

I am sure that at least once in each of our lives , we have taken the pledge - all indians are my brothers and sisters. Didn't those idiots ( well am trying to be polite ) who tore that young girl into pieces never thought of that line ? Ever ??  ( i do accept that the indian pledge is not the first thing to come to the mind when one actually is indulging in a rape ). Too lame it may sound, but this was asked by a ten year old who's parents had asked him to read the daily headines. Is this what the previous generation is giving the bloomimg buds of the nation ?  Stories of rapes, cruelty , sex and mass murders ? Well no wonder...!!  What else  can one read other than the stories of rapes and murders  in a country where the mass media is waiting for a victim to victimise him or her even more just to fill their coloumns .

A girl was brutally raped . She lay naked , wounded and severly in pain.  And hats off to the public , they took photos and none bothered to help her , until the police arrived.  Few people say its india and girls are to be indoors. Really ? ( wake up old people !! Its 2012  ) . Was this an excuse made up for a rape ?? Oh man !!  This set of people need to be hanged first !! ( seriously !!! ) . Many people protested , came up against the crimes but still a few said " the reasons behind the changing mindsets of indian men have to be analysed and studied to give a proper solution ." Oh !! This is certainly not what the indians want . !!

Anyone seen Dexter ? Ya the which a guy kills the criminals ? Recently i saw a post in facebook that  " delhi needs dexter ". Its not funny !! It shows that the people are fed up with laws that keep the criminals safe , secure and alive . Its the same law that kept criminals like kasab in the most costly buidings and fed them three ( maybe more ) times a day. What really could be done is to set an example . Hang those six rascals right away or infront of the girl when she recovers.

You know what the  so called 'gaurdians' of inidian tradition may say ?  They will say that -  girls should not wear clothes that encourage men, they should not date , they Should not go late night parties , they shouldn't roam with guys and what not. Well they can rather say - don't live at all or in better words to put it " don't exist " . I wont be suprised if they say this because this is the same country where the some political party could beat up  a couple sitting in a park and even threaten girls to tie rakhi on their boyfriend's wrist . I feel ashamed - still that party survives and many do vote for the same. I have been around people who talk about the effect of western culture . I want to ask them - is brutally assaulting a girl travelling with her boyfriend or any guy just because the men are being 'encouraged ' our culture ?  Truly , no. We belong to country that itself is  called Mother India.

I belong to the young India. And this is certainly not what i want from the laws , the system and needless to say the indian politcal parties . But as said somewhere , to change the system we have to try change ourselves . Its us who have to take the lead.  And in the present scenario i want the 6 of  the 6 accused , dead . With lots of prayers and hope that the young girl will survive , i close this letter. 

With a lot of hope,

An indian.