Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Letter to my country - on the recent delhi gang rape incident .

Readers,rapists and fellow indians

Is this really the perfect time to be proud that  we are indians ?  ( Especially the indian men.. ya i do know it includes me !! ) .

I am sure that at least once in each of our lives , we have taken the pledge - all indians are my brothers and sisters. Didn't those idiots ( well am trying to be polite ) who tore that young girl into pieces never thought of that line ? Ever ??  ( i do accept that the indian pledge is not the first thing to come to the mind when one actually is indulging in a rape ). Too lame it may sound, but this was asked by a ten year old who's parents had asked him to read the daily headines. Is this what the previous generation is giving the bloomimg buds of the nation ?  Stories of rapes, cruelty , sex and mass murders ? Well no wonder...!!  What else  can one read other than the stories of rapes and murders  in a country where the mass media is waiting for a victim to victimise him or her even more just to fill their coloumns .

A girl was brutally raped . She lay naked , wounded and severly in pain.  And hats off to the public , they took photos and none bothered to help her , until the police arrived.  Few people say its india and girls are to be indoors. Really ? ( wake up old people !! Its 2012  ) . Was this an excuse made up for a rape ?? Oh man !!  This set of people need to be hanged first !! ( seriously !!! ) . Many people protested , came up against the crimes but still a few said " the reasons behind the changing mindsets of indian men have to be analysed and studied to give a proper solution ." Oh !! This is certainly not what the indians want . !!

Anyone seen Dexter ? Ya the which a guy kills the criminals ? Recently i saw a post in facebook that  " delhi needs dexter ". Its not funny !! It shows that the people are fed up with laws that keep the criminals safe , secure and alive . Its the same law that kept criminals like kasab in the most costly buidings and fed them three ( maybe more ) times a day. What really could be done is to set an example . Hang those six rascals right away or infront of the girl when she recovers.

You know what the  so called 'gaurdians' of inidian tradition may say ?  They will say that -  girls should not wear clothes that encourage men, they should not date , they Should not go late night parties , they shouldn't roam with guys and what not. Well they can rather say - don't live at all or in better words to put it " don't exist " . I wont be suprised if they say this because this is the same country where the some political party could beat up  a couple sitting in a park and even threaten girls to tie rakhi on their boyfriend's wrist . I feel ashamed - still that party survives and many do vote for the same. I have been around people who talk about the effect of western culture . I want to ask them - is brutally assaulting a girl travelling with her boyfriend or any guy just because the men are being 'encouraged ' our culture ?  Truly , no. We belong to country that itself is  called Mother India.

I belong to the young India. And this is certainly not what i want from the laws , the system and needless to say the indian politcal parties . But as said somewhere , to change the system we have to try change ourselves . Its us who have to take the lead.  And in the present scenario i want the 6 of  the 6 accused , dead . With lots of prayers and hope that the young girl will survive , i close this letter. 

With a lot of hope,

An indian.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Me...and the virtual 'me'

Well the topic was kind of under construction in my mind for long. But for that I was not in front of my pc in a silence. I was just trying to learn my self. And I was in a bike behind my friend when the breeze was brushing ma face.

Many of us have a different image in reality and in the virtual world. We act or try to act. There are many of us who put more time on the chat rooms rather than in our own living rooms and bedrooms. Addicts..thats what we have become. Long hours , we spend on our facebooks,orkuts and ya of course tweeting. Is this insane ? No...not at all . But then there is something that we do fail to see,somethings that we dont feel ; that is us , what we have become ?? Dexters ?

I love chatting, facebook and youtube and everything nice . But at times a feeling comes that this is not what i want. But i just push off that good fairy and continue to type.Deny..but most of us are the same.  Gadgets - that's what unite us . They at times make us sad and that's what make us happy.

Going back to the Old times when the technology was not so grand as it is now . The time when blackberry and Apple made our mouths to water. Once when they were only fruits. Life would have been simpler though a little out of sync with the modern thinking or ours. But still at least we won't have become filled with gadgets. Well eating Apple is really  better than typing right ? ( Though at times.)Are we moving away from nature...? A phenomenon we can't stop but just see ourselves moving far .

The virtual you is what you need to cut short. Its dominating the real you at times. Silly thought it is, but sit back a minute and see for yourself ; where are you ? The virtual image of yours and your reality . Think about the real fun in football and poking your friends rather than the farm Ville and clicking poke . ( no offence , just an example ) .

I am in the are many who think at times about themselves to see where they are . For people like me at times an android phone becomes the world .( I must admit its handy enough ) . But still at times thoughts spot where I am. Well the article is just to make a marking where I am and where I want to be. This is just a page from the diary of many of the millions of the virtual and real images around me . But I am sure the smilies can never replace the innocent smiles n real tears . Hope you find the real you...if not today..some other day .