Monday, March 12, 2012

The supreme oneness....

I am here neither to preach nor to change the world. Nor do i have the hope this will change anything at all. But all i can change is me and my small world.

Religions have been separating and dividing the people from old times. There have been a few of them who were not ready to be one among the blind crowd. they were the ones who were able to think, who saw beyond the " statues" of stone and the "buildings" of worship. I stand with them as for i was inspired by their ideology of an absolute truth that prevails and transcends the world ; the idea of god being universal rather than being local or tribal or a parochial one which all by itself has the affirmative values.

To support all this let me cite a few examples from three different holy texts which at last can show us the way to god is not through a particular religion but its all about having a godly mind with good values in life.

1.) In Hinduism Kalki or the final avatar of lord vishnu will put an end to the age of darkness and ignorance called the kali yuga .He will establish a new era of truth, righteousness , goodness where there will be eternal peace . The era according to the bhagvath geetha is  called the satya yuga. Kalki has the meaning , destroyer of foulness or confusion or darkness. The people who fail to do their karma(duty) will be left behind while the ones who fulfilled their godly duties will be uplifted.There are also reference to the final apocalyptic battle where the godly forces wil prevail over the forces of evil after which the new era of god will be established.

2.) In Christianity , the second coming of the Christ, or the second advent ( as in some versions of the holy bible) is the return of Jesus Christ from heaven to establish the kingdom of god where the righteous dead will  be resurrected  and along with the righteous living who will be glorified , will be taken to heaven but the unrighteous will die. At this time the Satan himself would impersonate the Christ himself  and deceive the people . he will claim to have changed the Sabbath to Sunday. though at last the great battle will put an end to the evil and the kingdom of god will be established .

3.) In Islam eschatology , the Mahdi will come to the earth to fight the evil. He will be born to normal human couple as a normal being .His aim is to establish a moral world with no unwanted superstitions, no wars, worries or uncertainty. He is regarded as the twelveth imam. When he comes no one who wanted happiness will be denied and no one who had believed will be left behind while the non believers and sinners will be left to suffer.

Well the above 3 examples are from the holy texts of the three religions . This is enough to understand that there is a supreme oneness among the gods. All the religions are just the various interpretations of the one absolute truth , the supreme power that transcends the world. Still.... Why are  we against each other ? Why cant there be a world of oneness ,an era of understanding ????.


  1. That's the beauty of the world. U know every thing and never want to follow the true path. god is only one for the mankind and religion is also one. But as there are five dissimilar fingers in the same hand, man is different from place to place. It is not his fault but "His" dicision. Nobody can break "His" laws.

  2. @anonymous but five fingers do become a fist.....but the people are moving from away from each other. They are always tryin to prove that one's religion is the best. Beauty is what the god himself created- in his image.the whole human race. This basic fact is what is not understood

  3. Religion is yet another way to instigate moral values in a person by the means of fear. We are told from an early age that, if we do something bad to others, then we will be punished by a supreme being - God, who knows everything about us.

  4. ya....but that main purpose is not happening here. Religion has become medium to spread unwanted hate,violence and stuffs.

  5. ya....but that main purpose is not happening here. Religion has become medium to spread unwanted hate,violence and stuffs.
