Thursday, March 29, 2012

Escapists ...

(Note : if you find yourself in any part of the post do be happy that you are perfectly normal and so just chill !! )

Escaping , this is what he did . From an age where he starts thinking , he escapes or else tries to escape. The escapism to the nowhere. He at times thinks he is trapped . He hates himself and tries to break away from all the chains he has made around him. Chains of lies, of lust,love and all the ones strangling him at the moment. But he is pretty sure he cant go anywhere. He is destined to be here. And he will be, until the final escape. Still he tries to get off . He .. The escapist.( here it implies the ones who are compelled to escape from the stressful thoughts and life)

" He " is one among us , who may be a male or female or a shemale , a boy of six or an old man of  sixty six. At every age, every stage of life , one or the other time we  all try taking up the role of the escapist .When pleasures come to a saturation point , when neither the brain nor the mind works , we tend to think of making an escape . It may be from ourselves, our kins , from the situations around us , or from everyone and everything. Our little lies to the ones around , the silly crimes that we did , the loss of someone so special ,  loneliness, and a long list follows. These are all the triggers that are pulled by us at times, when we go deep into the thoughts. We tend to act normal but we fail. We try to smile but tears flow down when alone.  what the hell is happening ??????????????

Life is something quite interesting. Each and everything we did correct we may forget and so does the others. But the wrong doings , lies, crimes , sad , harsh and dreaded memories still follow us. Avoiding them is impossible as when we try to avoid still the knot around us gets tighter and tighter .So is having a clean and  extra perfect life a solution ? Humans ... the group of animals who can become angels and at the same time demons.So for many of the thoughts that come in our mind only thing we can do is manage them. The thought of escaping comes from the thoughts of self underestimation , jealousy , possessiveness , doubtfulness , thoughts of the haunting past happenings etc.. 

Well you might be thinking that after saying this much why am i going to the next level. That is  how to manage these pestering thoughts ? Actually thoughts come in mind when you are jobless. You really have to keep yourself active and do something that makes you escape from these thoughts rather than escaping to a nowhere. Take me... I blog so that I can keep myself  fine and better. Here I share my thoughts and spend the time i get in the evenings when I am free.  Just keep in mind that an idle mind is a devil's workshop. 

 Next thing is finding some one to talk with or to share your worries rather than building it up inside you .Next be true to yourself and to your loved ones you are related to . I think you got my point. I meant that in every possible way you can think. Then try not being alone always . Be cheerful , have fun with your friends and family. Think before you do anything which tempts you. Remember that what ever tempts you is something   not so good. Find a hobby , a past time , read books , and do stuffs where you can get some positivity. Well that's all I can say. Just be happy and try clearing your mind .

Lastly, if you do have these kind of thoughts it does not mean that you are on a wrong side of life or something. This is quite normal and happens to normal people . Homo sapiens we are. The way we are made will make us to try to get the hell out of everything at times.So just chill.... lemme quote a dialogue from the movie 3idiots... "just keep your hands on your chest and say AALL IZZ WELL !!!". May be... You may feel a bit better ....!!

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