Thursday, March 29, 2012

Escapists ...

(Note : if you find yourself in any part of the post do be happy that you are perfectly normal and so just chill !! )

Escaping , this is what he did . From an age where he starts thinking , he escapes or else tries to escape. The escapism to the nowhere. He at times thinks he is trapped . He hates himself and tries to break away from all the chains he has made around him. Chains of lies, of lust,love and all the ones strangling him at the moment. But he is pretty sure he cant go anywhere. He is destined to be here. And he will be, until the final escape. Still he tries to get off . He .. The escapist.( here it implies the ones who are compelled to escape from the stressful thoughts and life)

" He " is one among us , who may be a male or female or a shemale , a boy of six or an old man of  sixty six. At every age, every stage of life , one or the other time we  all try taking up the role of the escapist .When pleasures come to a saturation point , when neither the brain nor the mind works , we tend to think of making an escape . It may be from ourselves, our kins , from the situations around us , or from everyone and everything. Our little lies to the ones around , the silly crimes that we did , the loss of someone so special ,  loneliness, and a long list follows. These are all the triggers that are pulled by us at times, when we go deep into the thoughts. We tend to act normal but we fail. We try to smile but tears flow down when alone.  what the hell is happening ??????????????

Life is something quite interesting. Each and everything we did correct we may forget and so does the others. But the wrong doings , lies, crimes , sad , harsh and dreaded memories still follow us. Avoiding them is impossible as when we try to avoid still the knot around us gets tighter and tighter .So is having a clean and  extra perfect life a solution ? Humans ... the group of animals who can become angels and at the same time demons.So for many of the thoughts that come in our mind only thing we can do is manage them. The thought of escaping comes from the thoughts of self underestimation , jealousy , possessiveness , doubtfulness , thoughts of the haunting past happenings etc.. 

Well you might be thinking that after saying this much why am i going to the next level. That is  how to manage these pestering thoughts ? Actually thoughts come in mind when you are jobless. You really have to keep yourself active and do something that makes you escape from these thoughts rather than escaping to a nowhere. Take me... I blog so that I can keep myself  fine and better. Here I share my thoughts and spend the time i get in the evenings when I am free.  Just keep in mind that an idle mind is a devil's workshop. 

 Next thing is finding some one to talk with or to share your worries rather than building it up inside you .Next be true to yourself and to your loved ones you are related to . I think you got my point. I meant that in every possible way you can think. Then try not being alone always . Be cheerful , have fun with your friends and family. Think before you do anything which tempts you. Remember that what ever tempts you is something   not so good. Find a hobby , a past time , read books , and do stuffs where you can get some positivity. Well that's all I can say. Just be happy and try clearing your mind .

Lastly, if you do have these kind of thoughts it does not mean that you are on a wrong side of life or something. This is quite normal and happens to normal people . Homo sapiens we are. The way we are made will make us to try to get the hell out of everything at times.So just chill.... lemme quote a dialogue from the movie 3idiots... "just keep your hands on your chest and say AALL IZZ WELL !!!". May be... You may feel a bit better ....!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

The supreme oneness....

I am here neither to preach nor to change the world. Nor do i have the hope this will change anything at all. But all i can change is me and my small world.

Religions have been separating and dividing the people from old times. There have been a few of them who were not ready to be one among the blind crowd. they were the ones who were able to think, who saw beyond the " statues" of stone and the "buildings" of worship. I stand with them as for i was inspired by their ideology of an absolute truth that prevails and transcends the world ; the idea of god being universal rather than being local or tribal or a parochial one which all by itself has the affirmative values.

To support all this let me cite a few examples from three different holy texts which at last can show us the way to god is not through a particular religion but its all about having a godly mind with good values in life.

1.) In Hinduism Kalki or the final avatar of lord vishnu will put an end to the age of darkness and ignorance called the kali yuga .He will establish a new era of truth, righteousness , goodness where there will be eternal peace . The era according to the bhagvath geetha is  called the satya yuga. Kalki has the meaning , destroyer of foulness or confusion or darkness. The people who fail to do their karma(duty) will be left behind while the ones who fulfilled their godly duties will be uplifted.There are also reference to the final apocalyptic battle where the godly forces wil prevail over the forces of evil after which the new era of god will be established.

2.) In Christianity , the second coming of the Christ, or the second advent ( as in some versions of the holy bible) is the return of Jesus Christ from heaven to establish the kingdom of god where the righteous dead will  be resurrected  and along with the righteous living who will be glorified , will be taken to heaven but the unrighteous will die. At this time the Satan himself would impersonate the Christ himself  and deceive the people . he will claim to have changed the Sabbath to Sunday. though at last the great battle will put an end to the evil and the kingdom of god will be established .

3.) In Islam eschatology , the Mahdi will come to the earth to fight the evil. He will be born to normal human couple as a normal being .His aim is to establish a moral world with no unwanted superstitions, no wars, worries or uncertainty. He is regarded as the twelveth imam. When he comes no one who wanted happiness will be denied and no one who had believed will be left behind while the non believers and sinners will be left to suffer.

Well the above 3 examples are from the holy texts of the three religions . This is enough to understand that there is a supreme oneness among the gods. All the religions are just the various interpretations of the one absolute truth , the supreme power that transcends the world. Still.... Why are  we against each other ? Why cant there be a world of oneness ,an era of understanding ????.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The "Aunty Uncle" syndrome

Today i have come up with something that i call " The aunty uncle syndrome". ( not a disease though, it irritates the ones around !!). There are many a places where you can find people eligible to be said , having this syndrome.For the time being am taking only a single sector and that one is what is common at the ag e of 18 an above where you get into a professional college.

1.Not all belong to the toppers , 90+ , extra brainy type class of the human race .( not even their fault !!)
But this common fact which fails to be understood by many people is forming the basis of the"aunty uncle syndrome". ( i will be telling you what is the not beating around the bush !! )  

 2.Poking nose into the neighbors kitchen to their dog house is what some people do and even uphold it saying they really care. ( jobless !!! )

3.Does being 50+ or 55+ mean that these so called senior citizens are well versed in every aspect of life and the world around them ? ( am not talking about the people who are really good at things , instead , those who seem to b extra showy of their "knowledge " by providing free advises wherever they find  their targets )

Well the above three are the main ingredients of  the syndrome under observation . ( DEDICATED TO ALL THE INDIAN AUNTIES AND UNCLES WHO CAN BE IDENTIFIED WITH THESE "QUALITIES" MENTIONED ABOVE !! ) .And if you are successful in identifying some with all these charateristic traits, EUREKA!! give them the address of the blog ! :) . So these 50 + ( thats where it all starts !!!  mostly ) "experienced " people who tend to poke their nose into the " less experienced" ( in their view !! ) 16+ people and are ever ready to sell out their views ( wanted or unwanted !! ) can be grouped under the " AFFECTED ".( no discrimination n caste, gender or anything ).

Let me tell you my own experience a couple of months back when i went to a marriage.( Not knowing i would end up getting irritated by an " Uncle").
UNCLE : blah blah..............( usual warming up)
ME: blah blah... :) ( not even doubting a bit, his sinister motives )
U: wel....for what course have you joined ??
M : biotechnology
U :  OH ! its not a good course. new and no job opportunities in the country. Hardly you can find
a few. ( Ya right !!! as if he the author of Wikipedia come the employment minister of the country )
M: ummm..... ya...( well i did have rather lost ma temper and ended up giving him an enlightenment of my "wordly" knowledge too )

Hey friends ... does it even bother to an outsider what the hell i study ???( that too these jobless people who really have time to spill a lot of advises ..anytime anywhere are those who with their below avg literacy stood a bit above their pack )
well aren't these creepos ashamed ??? ( no offence!1 no better word suits )
jobless !! aren't they ??
This is only one single case. Every one of us can list a few and in lot many areas except this. They do suck and irritate you to the core and so do their questions. they cant be stopped neither cant be changed unless by they themselves. Next time you bump on to any " uncle" or " aunty"   try not loosing your calm and just say to yourself all izz well !! ( though its never so for the former )


Friday, March 9, 2012

Are the books worth the cash ????

hey readers!! you all know what ?? actually i was thinking from morning on what the hell i could write here.....

so at last i came up with the idea of telling you all something about the new INDIAN reading trends .oh ya i would be so big a dumb if i don't tell you all about the recent book i had read.
Well i wont bore you telling the whole story or the climax. Its an awesome book. Written by Judy balan. The name is TWO FATES .
A bit different from the usual Chetan bhagat style .( style ?? mmm...ya of course he has lessened his fans after he came up with his latest revolution 2020...ah in fact , i was one ). well let me come back to what i was saying, two fates is actually a parody of Chetan's book Two states which indeed was a big hit.  Two fates actually deals with what happens after the two states marriage and the whole story hangs around the fights and divorce between the couple. Hmmm it is a good one to read , so if  you find time to grab a copy , you can be sure you are not wasting your money. !!

The thing i was saying was about the latest trends in writing ; to be precise , the Indian writing styles developing these days.. A lot of new and young authors are coming into the novel scenario of India. But to be frank , are these Indian books worth the cash ?? Well not all..!! Printing a story and selling it off at low rates in all the railway stations can be called a success eh ? no offense .. but i don't feel so. ( my words seem pointing some people eh ?? OK i cant say its purely fictitious or no contact with living or dead !! )

I also have bought a lot of Indian books by many Indian authors but what happens is the review will be really good .( As always .. like featuring the ripened part of a rotten mango ). Then starts reading. Ha ha... Page 1 goes fine and so does the first 20 or 30, but when i cross to the pages after that ,slowly the fact dawns before me (  congrats buddy !! here goes your hundred bucks into a drain ). Well  the Chetan bhagat phenomenon of selling out books at cheaper rates have been adopted by a lot of people ( and god!!  its working out ) Why the hell are not a penny worth books becoming the national bestsellers ?? wola !! same reason again...

Its actually a bit like the old saying .. more expensive more extensive use it would be of.  Well am not particularly against any author or their writing , but there should be some sense before publishing some books. Selling at cheaper rates is really a cool thing to do as it is making the buying ..reading process open to all. But i pray the books that are yet to show up have some better things to deal with ( other than the usual use of foul language and dirty talks !!). Well i do am voting for the younger authors who are coming up ..what about you ???  ahh....who knows... may b i'll be writing a novel one fine day :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Womens day special


Today all many are preaching on equality for women , better treatment in the society and what not . Even in my small class we had a few programmes organised by some of my talented and efficient classmates. It was indeed nice. And actually words by some of them is what made me to write this now.

Women really are the cause for evry discovery , every bit of science , each and everything. Really !! just think how can a single discovery take place when the "to -be"scientist baby itself is not born. Would we be really studying the laws of gravity if not for Newtons mother ?? no way !!!!

SO ... is it fair that we just keep a day out of the 365 male dominated days for the women of our society ? a not trying to b a feminist trying to claim the rights of women . Give it a thought , each woman u see ...cant you see a struggler in them ?? may it be Your mom who used to make breakfast to the dinner or the teachers who teach you or any woman you see on road. Well hats off !! really each man should bow before the woman who have helped to shape him and make him a better person to deal with .. at least on this day.

Well i wanna say something about my mom . My mom who aspired to be a doctor could not become one even after getting admission in a college in a city though the call letter came . What went wrong ?? nothing... its just the natural belief that women must not be allowed to go to the city and study or take up jobs which was simply not acceptable from that time.But the thing is that i really feel proud about my mom after what happened in the years that rolled by. After marriage to ma dad ,with his help and permission she completed her B.A , M.A , B.Ed and now she is doing her studies for P.H.D .She is the person who has beeen a living example before me to say sky is the limit when you have the will.My mom though was doing all these studies always cared a lot for our family and hav sacrificed a lot for our good.She has been a great mom and a great wife. THANKS MOM !!

anyway i would like to thank all the women who  have played their part in my life in shaping me and making me what i am. If not for all of them i would have been nothing. THANK YOU 

wow !! At last....

Well ... this is the start . Till now i was the last person i would expect to start blogging . As you alll might have seen by now, my name is Aditya .A lot shy but skillful and a guy with a good heart.( NOTE : all are not entirely my words but people have said some from their experiences with me ).A texting freak who is no match for the well versed people in using and manipulating the language . Ya , thats what i can give a short discription about myself though i do manage to get good marks in english . ( little knowledge, little luck ) .

So let me just start by saying something about myself.. On nov 14 th 1993 a charming baby boy was born to a hindu couple in kerala. ( ahem !! thats me ). He is a single child of a lovely mom and dad who just love and care for him too well. Pampered and a little naughty he grows up in a remote area in kerala. (heard from the people around the lil.aditya that time ). He then joins the kendriya vidyalaya kanjikode .12 years of schooling which at the begining never seemed to move, passsed away so quickly gifting him a bunch of memories , love, praises, (curses too in fact). After knowing and fighting with his all time enemy ( of course !! you guessed it right . books indeed !!) for 12 long years he goes for the part 2 . The engineering college karunya university has opened its gates for the once pimpled face ,dull boring  but now a bit charming fun loving and handsome guy. The second sem is going on now and he is trying to do something new .( ohhh yaaa i need something new...I need a change.)